I had been playing Warhammer Online for some time and after all that, I have reached the point where it is starting to feel more like work rather than entertainment. So I decided to stop and try something else. I had heard about City of Heroes for a long time and decided to give it a try by grabbing the trial. First off, after the installer have downloaded the necessary files, it was only 2.7 gb. A far cry to the sizes of most MMOs of today. In logging in, I was very impressed with the character creation and in fact, spent most of my time trying out making different characters. I hope this customizability stays with their next hero MMO foray called Champions Online. Sometimes, the fun is in the making of your character rather than playing your character. The pic above is what I settled for as my first character in the game and dubbed him Penjejak Neraka aka Hell Walker. I decided to create an East meets West type, hence the cowboy look and katana weapons.
The gameplay is quite slow, compared to Warhammer Online. There are no auto attacks and you have to constantly press your skill buttons to attack. Nevertheless the game has its own charm but the trial version does limit your character somewhat. Firstly, you can't whisper other players, which makes any attempt at finding a party somewhat difficult but not impossible. Saying that, I haven't tried looking for a team since I am after all, only level 4. Anyway, my trial lasts until May 18th and so we shall see what conclusion will I come up with the game.