Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sentinel loves coffee!

While I was working at Starbux my friend came by and brought his humongous sentinel figurine. Apparently, you buy smaller figurines of the Marvel universe and you get parts of the sentinel. Collect the whole set and you get the whole sentinel! The set is called Marvel Legends and the idea is quite cool. Anyway, the sentinel itself is very cool with articulation! This gave me and my friend some ideas on posing it. The pics below are the result of such endeavour.

This is the sentinel relaxing after a day's work of killing off mutants. A sentinel's life is never easy!

Here's a closeup of the sentinel drinking his favourite cup of coffee. Since he doesn't have lips, a straw is needed.

Here we see him posing with his favourite coffee bean. He just loves his coffee.

This is what happens when you get drunk with coffee. Suffice to say, some people were killed the next day. :P

1 comment:

Love you longtime! said...

LMAO... nice pics! Btw... i loved King Kong, awesome!


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