Sunday, March 29, 2009

Video of the week: EVO 04

Video of the week is of the Street Fighter 3 (SF3) semi final match between Daigo and Justin. Definitely the best video of all time on the awesomeness of what you can achieve in a simple 2D fighting game like SF3. The fact that everyone went ape shit at the end of the vid speaks volumes of what Daigo achieved on that day. He will forever be remembered for this vid.

Street Fighter IV is out and it is revolutionary. Haven't tried it yet though because I am waiting for the PC version. I can't freaking wait. In the mean time, I have been watching non-stop SFIV vids in youtube to quench my hunger. It seems Daigo is the number one SFIV player in Japan at this moment of writing. There are rumours that Momochi might climb up to that position soon (or has he?).

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