Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Weather Man ...

I just watched The Weather Man starring Nicholas Cage. You can read the review and details about it on the link I provided on the movie name. Its one of those frustrating to watch kind of movies because you know its one of those things that has a big chance to happen to you in the future. Typically, Cage is an average Joe who has a dysfunctional family. He tries to get it to work though. Everyday he moves through his days with things he planned to make right but as usual (like most of us), situations and things happen that derail you off course. It’s this kind of small failures that make us less and less the ideal person of what we want us to be. In the end, you just have to go through life one step at a time and try to make the best of each situation even though it might get you nothing but grief. I find this movie very true to life and scary to the point that it’s going to reflect your life someday. I rate this movie a 4 out of 5 stars.

Had my first taste of a Starwars mini (SWM) tournament last night and I must say that I need more minis. There were seven of us of which one had to leave mid game because he had a family emergency. He was winning too. I on the other hand, had 3 losses to my record of my first DCI tournament. Apparently the famous pieces of the day were Han Solo (rebel hero), R2-D2 (both flavours) and Aura Sing. In this 100 point squad tournament, I concentrated on my first and third game. Something happened while I was playing my second game and I lost my concentration simply because the guys around me were talking too much. It’s hard to think about tactics and what’s your next move is when there are people around you giving hints to what moves you should take and pressuring you to do the right thing. Anyway, the whole night wasn’t wasted as I managed to get 3 common minis at the end of the tourney. For some reason I dislike playing swm because my dice rolls go out of whack and the game usually revolves around ranged attacks. I prefer ddm as there is more going on behind the lines and melee gets centre stage. You really get punished severely for bad dice rolls in swm but in ddm there’s always a fallback. Or maybe I’m just not playing the tactics right in swm.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Fearless ...

Watch Fearless recently and it was an ok movie. If you are used to Jet Li's movies, this one is a little tame on the action department (as in there were no out of this world moves). However, I love Jet Li movies (not the Hollywood production ones) as it usually ties in to history and there are moral and patriotic messages (which most people lack nowadays). I wouldn't call this movie a cinema kind of movie because it lacks any special effects or audio sounds that truely utilizes cinema viewing. That being said I'd probably give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.

While my friends and I were having our dinner after the movie, we somehow dug up a very funny situation that happened to my friend a long time ago. I remembered that my friend was looking for some porn and he decided to ask the vcd shopkeeper about it. Well, its quite embarrassing to ask someone about that so he decided to ask about it in a non straightforward manner. "Boss, ada cerita panas-panas tak?" was what he said. The shopkeeper looked puzzled at first but then brightened up almost immediately and said enthusiastically "Ada, ada!". The he went to a corner and pointed to a particular movie. I took a look at it and it was the movie Volcano! We looked at it for a second then burst out laughing! One of my friends ran out of the shop to laugh like crazy, while I turned around and laughed quietly. My other friend who asked in the first place didn't know whether to laugh or be frustrated. All in all, it was a funny situation!

The real kicker is that, it has happened to this friend of mine not once, but twice! The second time however, he was looking for hentai games. So he asked the shopkeeper (it was a different store) "Ada game panas-panas tak?". The shopkeeper looked at him quizzically but somehow looked as if he caught on. Then he showed the game ... it was Diablo. LoL, makes you wonder if they are all related or something. Considering the business they are in, you'd think they'd understand the terms people use. Apparently they aren't! This time though, we all laughed like crazy simply because we remembered of the last occasion that was similar to this (which was told above)! Oh god sometimes I think if there were a movie about things that happen in my life, people would laugh like crazy! Just goes to show that whatever it is, going straightforward is better although not funner!


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