Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Great weekend with Starwars miniatures!

Last weekend me and my mates went to visit a friend at his new place. Its a very comfortable area and his apartment was on the 4th floor which was the highest floor on the building. After enjoying the view (there were some girls in the swimming pool below us on the ground floor) and helping his sis move the furniture in her room around, we decided to play a game of Starwars minis (which was the whole point of the visit anyway). We played on his veranda which was airy and cool and provided us with a good view. It started to rain at the beginning of the session but the lightning and thunder lent some nice special effects to the game.

There were six of us so it was a classic 3 on 3, rebel alliance vs the empire. The rebel alliance's squad was comprised of all the notables: Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbaca, Leia, Wedge Antilles, R2D2 and C3P0 with some Fringe help from Dengar and Bosk. The empire team was lead by none other than the Emperor himself, followed by Mara Jade, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, General Veers with the added Fringe strength of 4Lom and IG88. It was a great game. The rebels had the strength of numbers but the Empire had more potent characters. In the start it looked like the rebels had the clear advantage but as the game wore in, it steadily grew to the Empire's favour. Crippling the advantages of some of the rebel's power characters and some lucky ambushes led to the ultimate demise of the rebels. As Darth Vader sinks his saber into the last rebel, he uttered the words "You do not know the POWAH of the dark side!".

The man of the match was clearly IG88 with its highly successful supression firing and killing Leia and Wedge in the same round. The great moment of the game and also the turning point was when the Emperor got the jump on Leia, injuring her badly and killing the other rebel units who happened to be near her with his force lightning. After that, the rebels were scattered (as if their morale was low) and the majority of them went for Vader (who ran into a room to force a melee match). Which later became their undoing when they turned around to face the Emperor and ignored Vader.

The most shocking/surprising moment of the game was when friend A was about to throw the dice to determine if he hits the target or not. If he succeeds then the target would be destroyed. Fortunately, he doesn't need a high roll to succeed and at that moment of the game, the kill would benefit the rebels alot. Unfortunately, the randomness of the dice got him and he threw a 2 instead (which meant he missed). The funny thing was, when the dice was rolling and it finally flipped to 2 (it didn't even settle yet), friend B (who was on the rebel team and incidentally sitting beside friend A) literally jumped up and lunged into friend A and shouted "F*** YOU!!!". The funny part was that the number 2(from the dice) haven't even registered in our minds yet and the outburst happened so fast. Friend A was soo surprised that he was speechless for a few seconds. Hahahahaha! 'How fragile the bonds of trust during trying times'. Fragile indeed. Anyway he later apologised for his outburst.

At the end of the day it was a great game. Hope to have more of this sessions in the future.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

How was school for you?

I recently acquired a manga called Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO). For the uninformed, manga is the Japanese word for comics. Outside of Japan,it usually refers specifically to Japanese comics. GTO is about a fresh university graduate who is living out in the real world trying to find a job. Unfortunately, Onizuka isn't what you would call a true student material as he was quite a rascal during his school days. Known to be a bike gang member, also part of a 2 man team the 'devil bomber', his reputation during his school days were well known. Anyway, now he is trying to find a job but unfortunately, he is still the same person he was before: a gangster and a pervert to boot! This might be bad for him but he has a dream to fulfill, and that is to become the greatest teacher in Japan! So the manga is about his journey onward to realizing his dream. He encounters a lot of trials and tribulations and just goes to show that being a 'bad apple' in school last time doesn't mean he knows all the tricks of the trade.

Anyway I liked the manga! The drawings are really good and the storyline is well thought out. Although it gets over the top sometimes (when does it not get over the top for a manga?), there were well thought underlying moral implications in there. Ultimately though, it gives rise to the question of "How was school for you?". Ah the memories ...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sentinel loves coffee!

While I was working at Starbux my friend came by and brought his humongous sentinel figurine. Apparently, you buy smaller figurines of the Marvel universe and you get parts of the sentinel. Collect the whole set and you get the whole sentinel! The set is called Marvel Legends and the idea is quite cool. Anyway, the sentinel itself is very cool with articulation! This gave me and my friend some ideas on posing it. The pics below are the result of such endeavour.

This is the sentinel relaxing after a day's work of killing off mutants. A sentinel's life is never easy!

Here's a closeup of the sentinel drinking his favourite cup of coffee. Since he doesn't have lips, a straw is needed.

Here we see him posing with his favourite coffee bean. He just loves his coffee.

This is what happens when you get drunk with coffee. Suffice to say, some people were killed the next day. :P

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

First Post: King Kong and MINES don't go together

First post in what seems to be my blog! Oh well. It had to happen sometime. Anyway, whats with the title you say? Well I recently watched King Kong at MINES shopping center and although the movie was exciting, the crowd left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Firstly, why oh why do parents bring small children to the movies (to watch King Kong)? Especially toddlers. I mean, its not like they will remember the experience. And come on, what toddler wouldn't be scared when there are sudden booming sounds coming from left and right? Suffice to say, my experience was ruined because of the constant whining and crying of the baby. Another thing, parents should chain their children to their seats. Man, they were running up and down the stairs in the middle of the movie! Add all this to the fact that there were a group of guys at the back of my seat who thought that chatting about the movie while watching was the ideal thing to do. The worst thing was that they were talking about lawak bodoh kind of stuff. Luckily though, the movie went up a few in the volume department during key action scenes that reminded me that I was here to watch a movie in the first place.

In conclusion, that has to be the last time I'm watching a movie in MINES ever again. And I'm going to watch movies at night to avoid having children in the theater.


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