The Aidiladha celebration marked the last day of 2006. On the first day of 2007, my mosque was slaughtering cows for Aidiladha as a religious sacrifice. Most of the meat is to be given to the poor and some will go to the people who contributed on purchasing the cow. My family was there to bear witness as our cow was slaughtered (cow number 8). There were a total of 23 cows and 2 goats that was slaughtered on that day. Initially I came to help out for the event but as I looked around, all the stations were manned and there wasn't a place where it looked lacking. So I hung around where the cows were slaughtered with my friend who was MCing on that day. As always the case, the first few cows were quite docile but the last cows were quite rowdy and wild.
It was all finished by noon and we got to enjoy some of the meat as the women division cooked some of the meat for lunch. I sat there slurping my 'sup tulang', I thought:
What a way to start the new year. So, happy new year to everyone and hope 2007 give us a lot of choices to better ourselves.
This is the tongue of my cow