So I got my hands on the Space Siege demo that was just released yesterday and I have finished playing it. First off, this are by the same people who made Dungeon Siege. So expect similar gameplay elements except that this time, it is scifi instead of medieval fantasy.
First off, the demo weighs around 900++mb. The installation was no problem for me and everything was functioning nicely. So onward to the game. It is a classic isometric view with the ability to pan the camera and zoom in and zoom out of your character. Your character is a soldier in the human vessel that was escaping an alien invasion force. They almost succeeded except that one of the alien boarding ships managed to latch on. So it is your duty to help repel this invaders. The gameplay has your character repelling the first horde of invaders that has just made it to a main corridor. After succeeding in blasting their hides either with a ranged weapon or melee, you will have to proceed to the engine room to synch the engines in order for the ship to utilize its thrusters and escape.
The controls seems to be simple and I got used to it in the first minute of play. The graphics are somewhat acceptable for this age and time. The heavy weight comes from the excellent particle effects and physics that seems to be present in everything in the screen. However, judging from the demo itself, it seems to be an average game. It plays almost the same as Dungeon Siege and from the demo you control one protaganist. As you explore the map you are able to find weapons and also cybernetic enhancements that will replace your limbs if you choose to do so. They bring about good bonuses but will decrease your humanity points. Not to mention some weapons need you to have cybernetic enhancements to be able to use them. What does your humanity points do isn't explained in the demo. There is also a skill screen where you can alotte points into the skills of choice but you won't get to do so in the demo. The demo is fairly short which should take you around 15 minutes of play to complete it. The final leg of the demo is your character defending seemingly endless waves of enemies against the last transport train in your area.
Another thing worth mentioning is that your enemies and some environment items will drop upgrade scraps when they are destroyed. With this upgrade scraps, you can upgrade yourself, your weapons and also make health packs and grenades at work benches which will appear sporadically in the map in Aid rooms. At the same time, you can also replenish your life and energy in the Aid rooms. I am not sure since the demo doesn't have a save feature but it could be surmised that the Aid rooms will also be your save points in the game as well.
Conclusion from the demo is that the game is very average. However, the demo only scratches the surface of the game and doesn't properly showcase the game at all. So, after the final product is out, it might be way better than what the demo shows.
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