Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pen and Paper

I have finally experienced the pen and paper RPG experience! Last weekend, my friends and I decided to play table top RPG using the newest Dnd 4th edition rules. It was a blast and we had alot of laughs. Took almost half a day just to create our characters, even though some of us have already made ours earlier. Anyway, I made a tiefling warlord and it is an awesome class to play. It is generally a melee buffer. It could tank although not as good as a fighter while giving out passive and active buffs to everyone or to the character of my choice whenever is needed. I made a joke that my character is a rapist and it seems to have stuck even though I made sure not to show those kind of tendencies on my character when I was playing him.
I am in the process of writing a journal based on what happened during my play with my character. I am 1/4ths done but I hope I will finish it before this weekend. Things of note was that one of our party members spent most of the time unconscious top side (either from failing a fortitude check after emptying a tankard full of dwarven ale and another from sleeping it off later), another took exclusive care to pick pocket any chance he could get and lastly during our final encounter of the day, two of our team mates actually bolted to get out of harm's way. My character, Pendekar Laut (yes, that's his name) will remember what transpired on that particular encounter. So I can't wait for the next game this coming Sunday.

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