Tuesday, December 20, 2005

First Post: King Kong and MINES don't go together

First post in what seems to be my blog! Oh well. It had to happen sometime. Anyway, whats with the title you say? Well I recently watched King Kong at MINES shopping center and although the movie was exciting, the crowd left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Firstly, why oh why do parents bring small children to the movies (to watch King Kong)? Especially toddlers. I mean, its not like they will remember the experience. And come on, what toddler wouldn't be scared when there are sudden booming sounds coming from left and right? Suffice to say, my experience was ruined because of the constant whining and crying of the baby. Another thing, parents should chain their children to their seats. Man, they were running up and down the stairs in the middle of the movie! Add all this to the fact that there were a group of guys at the back of my seat who thought that chatting about the movie while watching was the ideal thing to do. The worst thing was that they were talking about lawak bodoh kind of stuff. Luckily though, the movie went up a few in the volume department during key action scenes that reminded me that I was here to watch a movie in the first place.

In conclusion, that has to be the last time I'm watching a movie in MINES ever again. And I'm going to watch movies at night to avoid having children in the theater.

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